Accepting or rejecting price suggestions individually

In this article, you will learn how to accept and reject the price suggestions individually. This process is ideal for processing individual days.

Display price suggestions and accept/reject individually

This function allows you to accept price suggestions for individual days in the happy portal:

  1. Recognise price suggestions: Days with price suggestions are marked in green in the price calendar. The crossed-out price shows the current price stored in the system, while the uncrossed-out price is the new price suggested by the algorithm.

  2. Check price suggestions: If you click on a day, the detailed view will open. There you will see the suggested price already entered.

  3. Options: You have three options:

    • Accept the price suggestion and move on to the next day.
    • Change the price for this day only by clicking ‘Change prices’.
    • Reject the price suggestion if you do not wish to accept it.
  4. Accept price: If you accept the price, the day is greyed out, which means that the suggestion has been accepted and no further price suggestions are open for this day.

These steps will help you to manage the price suggestions in the price calendar efficiently.